Fear of a Forever-Trump Administration
In the past few years, various writers have posed what should be an unthinkable question: If President Donald Trump is defeated in this November’s election, what happens if he refuses to leave office?...
View ArticleNeil Gorsuch Affirms That Treaties With Tribal Nations Are the Law
The United States Constitution established unequivocally in 1789 that treaties are the “supreme law of the land.” On Thursday, the Supreme Court stood by the nation’s original promise.Ruling on McGirt...
View ArticleThe Limits of Democrats’ Climate Progress
Thursday morning, the World Meteorological Organization released a report projecting that there is a one in five chance of global temperatures rising by 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) in...
View ArticleThe Supreme Court Brings the Presidency Back From a Lawless Brink
The Supreme Court spent 117 pages on Thursday to underscore what can be summed up in a single sentence: President Donald Trump is not above the law. In two major cases, the justices rejected Trump’s...
View ArticleTrump Is Numbing America to the Pandemic’s Ravages
It should be plain to all by now that America has not only lost control of the coronavirus pandemic, it has also given up on the possibility of regaining the upper hand. On Wednesday, over 59,000 new...
View ArticleThere’s No Such Thing as Pandemic Austerity for Billionaires
Donald Trump’s response to the coronavirus from the very start was more or less willful neglect, and lately, according to White House officials, he’s banking on that strategy for reelection. The...
View ArticleThe Law Was Never Meant for Ghislaine Maxwell
Ghislaine Maxwell, the accused conspirator in the sexual abuse of minors with the deceased Jeffrey Epstein, was transferred to federal detention this week. She will face a bail hearing early next week,...
View ArticleMary Trump Diagnoses the President
Diagnosing Donald Trump with any number of psychological defects has become an armchair sport. Despite guidelines prohibiting psychiatrists from diagnosing patients they have not personally examined,...
View ArticleWhat Was the Dive Bar?
Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets seems like a familiar kind of story, at first. Although it’s not fiction, like Charles Jackson’s novel The Lost Weekend or Eugene O’Neill’s play The Iceman Cometh, the...
View Articleyour whole body is slanted
why did you touch me there between my fingers “it feels like a mountain range” well I’m very sick these days I keep telling my friends I’m not a liberal not a conservative what are you then? I can be...
View ArticleThe Puppet Tiger Masculinity Is
When I say tiger: I mean the catatonic one,of William Blake, its roar stalled while risingbetween the diaphragm and the uvula.Or I could mean my Daniel, the flattened,ineffectual puppet tiger of my...
View ArticleNo
Hoping to just live quietly unnoticed—holed upsmoking pot and listening to old musicafter work, trying to wait outthe regime—dreaming of tyrants in exhaustedsleep, sick of having to...
View ArticleAfter the End of Native Mascots
If recent reports hold true, the Washington NFL team name is finally on its way out. Despite a lot of grand declarations about tradition, legacy, and tribute, it seems that the winds have shifted...
View ArticleThe Two Sides of Biden’s Economic Plan
Joe Biden gave a speech Thursday and released an economic plan. News coverage focused on the latter, which mimics President Donald Trump’s “Buy American” theme and promises that Biden will be more...
View ArticleThe Most Corrupt President in American History
The United States is in the grip of a pandemic that already has killed more than 130,000 Americans; tens of thousands more will likely die in the months ahead. The U.S. economy is in free fall while...
View ArticleThe Government Is Walking Blind Into the Coronavirus Housing Crisis
The 2008 financial crisis saw failures at every level of elite institutions. There was the failed promise of Federal Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan that the markets would self-regulate. The failure of...
View ArticleThe Great Germ War Cover-Up
In late September of 1950, just as U.S. armed forces were surging up the Korean peninsula, residents of the San Francisco Bay Area noticed an odd odor. The unidentifiable smell hung around for a week....
View ArticleThe GOP’s Murderous Anti-Intellectualism
Future generations will be astounded to learn that in the face of a deadly and unprecedented global pandemic, it became controversial to adopt simple and long-standing public health protocols—and that,...
View ArticleDon’t Give Dan Snyder a Stadium
On Monday, the Washington NFL team announced that it will officially retire and replace its name, a slur originally used to encourage the murder of Native people. The announcement raises many questions...
View ArticleIn Defense of Free Stuff During (and After) the Pandemic
There’s nothing the American government hates more than handouts, at least those that are intended for anyone who isn’t already rich. In the 1960s, Lyndon Johnson stressed that the War on Poverty was...
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